Liyang City (Jiangsu Province) Deputy Mayor Yunfang Pan appoints AITA CEO Michael Guo as Consultant

Deputy mayor Pan Yunfang of Liyang City, Jiangsu Province, appointed AITA’s CEO Michael Guo as consultant for the city in order to promote trade and investment, education, agricultural, tourism and urban development. Building up sister cities to reach a win-win situation will establish further step for China and Australia. 
 Liyang is a city in the southwest of Jiangsu province of Eastern China 
had a population of about 781,500. The province has an extensive irrigation system supporting its agriculture. Silkworms form an important part of Jiangsu's agriculture, with the Lake Taihu region to the south a major base of silk production in China. Jiangsu has coal, petroleum, and natural gas deposits, but its most significant mineral products are non-metal minerals such as halite (rock salt), sulfur, phosphorus, and marble.

 Over the years, Michael Guo has organized many delegations to visit Australia, provides an excellent channel for various industries in China. Australia and the South Pacific for the friendly exchanges contributed thus been recognized by the society.