Cr Geoff Kettle

Mayor Kettle was elected to Goulburn Mulwaree Council in June 2009 and became Mayor in September 2010. Mayor Kettle has a background in policing, finance, small business and politics. In April 2011 he resigned his position in the office of the local Federal Member to work full time as Mayor of Goulburn Mulwaree.

Mayor Kettle is a fourth generation local of Marulan/ Tallong. After some time away working in the Australian Federal Police, the finance and motor industries in both Queensland and the ACT, he and his partner Sharyn returned to Marulan in 1999 and purchased the Newsagency, which subsequently has been sold.

Mayor Kettle is pro-active in the community and is a member of the Liberal Party of Australia (NSW Division), the Tallong Community Focus Group, International Police Association, Trustee on the Veolia Mulwaree Trust and is Board Member on the Southern NSW Local Health District Board. He was also Board member of the Sydney Catchment Authority from 2012 to 2014.

As Mayor, he wants to maximize Goulburn Mulwaree’s potential by promoting our competitive advantage to Government, both State and Federal and to other stakeholders to ensure that we receive maximum infrastructure investment and be a vital partner in future sustainable growth and employment opportunities.

He has two adult daughters, an adult step daughter and six grandchildren. He also has a keen interest in rugby league, golf and though bred horse racing.